Weak Verbs
- Am
- Are
- Be
- Been
- Being
- Can
- Could
- Did
- Do
- Does
- Had
- Has
- Have
- Is
- May
- Might
- Must
- Shall
- Should
- Was
- Were
- Will
- Would

1. State-of-being verbs
These are passive as opposed to powerful:
- Is
- Am
- Are
- Was
- Were
- Be
- Being
- Been
- Have
- Has
- Had
- Do
The Strong Verbs List
- Absorb
- Advance
- Advise
- Alter
- Amend
- Amplify
- Attack
- Balloon
- Bash
- Batter
- Beam
- Beef
- Blab
- Blast
- Bolt
- Boost
- Brief
- Broadcast
- Brood
- Burst
- Bus
- Bust
- Capture
- Catch
- Charge
- Chap
- Chip
- Clasp
- Climb
- Clutch
- Collide
- Command
- Commune
- Cower
- Crackle
- Crash
- Crave
- Crush
- Dangle
- Dash
- Demolish
- Depart
- Deposit
- Detect
- Deviate
- Devour
- Direct
- Discern
- Discover
- Dismantle
- Download
- Drag
- Drain
- Drip
- Drop
- Eavesdrop
- Engage
- Engulf
- Enlarge
- Ensnare
- Envelop
- Erase
- Escort
- Expand
- Explode
- Explore
- Expose
- Extend
- Extract
- Eyeball
- Fight
- Fish
- Fling
- Fly
- Frown
- Fuse
- Garble
- Gaze
- Glare
- Gleam
- Glisten
- Glitter
- Gobble
- Govern
- Grasp
- Gravitate
- Grip
- Groan
- Grope
- Growl
- Guide
- Gush
- Hack
- Hail
- Heighten
- Hobble
- Hover
- Hurry
- Ignite
- Illuminate
- Inspect
- Instruct
- Intensify
- Intertwine
- Impart
- Jostle
- Journey
- Lash
- Launch
- Lead
- Leap
- Locate
- Lurch
- Lurk
- Magnify
- Mimic
- Mint
- Moan
- Modify
- Multiply
- Muse
- Mushroom
- Mystify
- Notice
- Notify
- Obtain
- Oppress
- Order
- Paint
- Park
- Peck
- Peek
- Peer
- Perceive
- Picture
- Pilot
- Pinpoint
- Place
- Plant
- Plop
- Pluck
- Plunge
- Poison
- Pop
- Position
- Power
- Prickle
- Probe
- Prune
- Realize
- Recite
- Recoil
- Refashion
- Refine
- Remove
- Report
- Retreat
- Reveal
- Reverberate
- Revitalize
- Revolutionize
- Revolve
- Rip
- Rise
- Ruin
- Rush
- Rust
- Saunter
- Scamper
- Scan
- Scorch
- Scrape
- Scratch
- Scrawl
- Seize
- Serve
- Shatter
- Shepherd
- Shimmer
- Shine
- Shock
- Shrivel
- Sizzle
- Skip
- Skulk
- Slash
- Slide
- Slink
- Slip
- Slump
- Slurp
- Smash
- Smite
- Snag
- Snarl
- Sneak
- Snowball
- Soar
- Spam
- Sparkle
- Sport
- Sprinkle
- Stare
- Starve
- Steal
- Steer
- Storm
- Strain
- Stretch
- Strip
- Stroll
- Struggle
- Stumble
- Supercharge
- Supersize
- Surge
- Survey
- Swell
- Swipe
- Swoon
- Tail
- Tattle
- Toddle
- Transfigure
- Transform
- Travel
- Treat
- Trim
- Trip
- Trudge
- Tussle
- Uncover
- Unearth
- Untangle
- Unveil
- Usher
- Veil
- Wail
- Weave
- Wind
- Withdraw
- Wreck
- Wrench
- Wrest
- Wrestle
- Wring
- Yank
- Zing
- Zap