Letter Examples

Letter 1: Advice to your friend to get a job.

Dear friend, 

Thank you for writing to me and asking for my opinion about your career and academic options.

In my opinion I would suggest that you should get a job.

College life is tame because most students are not serious about their studies. In addition to that, they are more casual in their behaviour and have superficial nature. You may waste a lot of time doing unnecessary extra co-curricular activities and travelling.

I reckon getting a job is sagacious for you because you already have completed a diploma in technical field, and your father is one of the pioneers in this industry which makes him an unofficial expert on this matter. So he can be your best guide. Another reason is that contemporary jobs also offer vocational training, which will offer you the specific skills required for the job.

Having said that I would like to suggest a few jobs like Backend Developer, Frontend Developer, Dev Ops, Cloud engineer, Artificial Intelligence Expert etc.

Thank you
Imran Sayed