The revelation of his scandalous( scan-da-lus ) past led to his resignation – ( a surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others )
It transpired to be a case of mistaken identity- ( (of a secret or something unknown) come to be known; be revealed )
irrevocably – irr-reva-kbly
He gazed at the myriad lights of the city ( mi-riud ) – (countless or extremely great in number,) myriad of insects
erroneous thought – e-ro-neous( incorrect thought )
e.g. This well-considered letter regards to your erroneous thought towards shutting the doors of…
anguish from diabetes – ( severe mental or physical pain or suffering )
e.g. I try not to anguish over the little things. He smiled through the anguish.
Let’s contemplate our future – cawn -tim- playte( think deeply about ).
He sat morosely contemplating his future. – mo-roce- ly ( in an unhappy way )
He felt apprehensive about going home – ( anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen)
I reminisce about my mother’s cooking – reme-nise – ( talking or writing something about from your past with pleasure )
His actions are considered appalling ( horrifying )
His dismal mood ( depressive )
Don’t make fatuous comments – fai- chu- us( silly or pointless )
Its ludicrous, I have been fined – loo-di-crus – ( unreasonable )
a doleful expression ( sorrowful )
commiserate with her – ca-misse-rate ( sympathize )
When I heard of his promotion, I was filled with ineffable joy – in –effe-ble ( too great or beautiful to described in words )
At sunrise, London sky almost looks ethereal – e-they-ri-al – ( extremely light and beautiful, seeming to belong to another more spiritual world )
After receiving the letter of acceptance, I was in a state of euphoria ( strong feeling of happiness that lasts for short time )
plagued by worry – ( troubled or distressed by )
Antipathy towards government has increased – anti-p-thy – ( feeling of strong dislike/opposition about something or someone ), his fundamental antipathy to capitalism.
A hostile audience ( feeling/showing strong dislike/opposition ).
I felt an instant aversion to the new manager – a– ver-shn – ( intense dislike or unwillingness to do something )
Arrogance has always been my pet aversion – ( the thing I dislike the most )
I am not averse to a good night out ( opposed to )
I felt an intense loathing for my boss ( intense hatred ), it aroused deep loathing in me.
This thought fills me with abhorrence – a–bhow-rence( intense disgust/hatred ), his behaviour can be described as abhorrent.
He looked at me with scorn – ( lack of respect for something/someone ), He felt scorn for his working-class parents ( felt to be worthless )
He expressed his revulsion – re-vul-shn – ( strong disgust, hatred )
A bland and unadventurous vegetarian dish – ( lacking taste, character or interest ( for food ) ), His expression was bland and unreadable ( no strong emotions )
He has a brash attitude – ( being assertive in a harsh, rude and noisy way )
She looked dowdy and plain in that outfit – ( unfashionable and unstylish in appearance, ( clothes, person, especially for women )
He was unstinting in his praise – un-stin-ting ( generous, free, and unrestricted ), She gave her time unstintingly to numerous worthy causes.
Everyone rejoiced at the news of.. ( be extremely happy )
He waved to the exultant crowd – ix– ul-tint – ( happiness because of success, triumphantly happy ). I have been in an exultant mood for weeks, after passing my exam.
The fans were jubilant at England’s victory – jyu-b-lint – ( happy on victory )
He greeted with rapture/’rapturous applause’ ( extreme pleasure or happiness ), pure rapture on his face
intrigued by – intree-gd – ( arouse interest )
blissfully peaceful – ( perfect happiness ), they are blissfully happy/ blissfully in love, Fortunately, he is blissfully unaware about the result ( any unpleasant thing that a person is happy not knowing about )
I’m very dubious about whether we’re doing the right thing. ( doob-ius – not sure or certain )
He was a victim of racial prejudice – preju-dis – ( preconceived judgment or opinion ) , She has a prejudice against modern music.
The lead actress and her male counterpart – ( one having the same function or characteristics as another )
My parents say that, as I already have a job, I ought to support myself through college ( used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions.)
That’s a long haul to Boston – hoal – ( long distance of travelling )
I asked mum if I could get Pizza, and much to my surprise, she said sure.
I feel a profound antipathy to using any weapon – intense/ very great ( feeling, quality or emotion ), He has a profound knowledge of mathematics
He allowed the match to overrun by 2 minutes – ( continue beyond or above an expected or allowed time or cost ).
We need to practice it , so we are sure it won’t overrun
The Mediterranean has been overrun by tourists – ( spread over or occupy (a place) in large numbers)
This quality is innate – ( inborn, natural )
formidable opponent – fow -mi-dible – ( inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.)
utterly bewildered look – be-wil-ded (confused, puzzled)
an ornery old man – o-nery – ( bad-tempered or difficult to deal with )
a splenetic rant – ( bad-tempered ) – ( speak or shout at length in an angry ), splenetic debate
overbearing person – ( unpleasantly overpowering )
despicable/contemptible ( showing disrespect, or disobeying )
He is resourceful – ( resourcefulness – the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. )
A “gimmick” is a person who puts a price tag on everything
methodical person – ( systematic, careful )
chauvinistic – sho-vi-nistic – ( too patriotic, or too supportive to one’s own sex ( e.g. male ) )
obliging – ( ready to help )
a gallant gentlemen- gai-lent – ( polite to women ), gallanting with the lady ( flirting with the lady ), she had made gallant efforts ( heroic efforts )
superficial – ( surface knowledge, only caring about the obvious and not deep or serious things )
His tactless words had incurred his father’s deep displeasure – ( rude and ill-mannered ). He can be very tactless sometimes
sagacious man or sagacious idea – s-gay-cious – ( wise )
she was shrewd enough to guess the motive behind his gesture – ( having good sense of judgement )
it was an entirely an altruistic act – ul-tru-istic – ( thinking of others than oneself )
intuitive – ( understanding instinctively, without any proof or evidence )
They were diligent in the performance of their duties – ( hardworking )
placid person – ( calm ) – Its strange how such a placid moment could stir up such emotional turmoil ( disturbance ), ( stir up- cause, provoke, disturb )
astute person – ( having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage.)
parsimonious – par-sa-monious – ( stingy, unwilling to spend money or use resources ) – Despite of having plenty of money, I tend to be parsimonious with my spending.
Credit cards just lead to impulse spending – ( a sudden desire )
He didn’t have enough dough to buy the TV – dow – ( money )
sullen/morose – ( bad-tempered )
mulish – myu-lish – ( stubborn )
obstinate – ( stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion )
She was sly, selfish, and manipulative – ( cunning )
I could tell by her terse response Molly was nearby – ( using few words )
pithy advice/comments – ( brief but full of substance and meaning )
He is thrifty/frugal and careful – fryu-gal – ( using money and other resources carefully )
I’m a bit too frugal to splash out(spend money freely) on designer clothes ( save money on some things so that you can spend on others, not stingy )
resolute person – re– so-lute ( determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way )
unscrupulous landlords – ( dishonest and unfair )
the rather naive young man had been totally misled – naa-ee-v – ( showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement )
Andy had a sweet, naive look when he smiled ( natural and unaffected; innocent )
tenacious grip – te-nay-shius -( keep a firm hold of something; clinging )
success requires dogged determination – do-ggid – ( you are as obstinate and tenacious as a dog , you won’t stop until you get what you want.)
immoderate spending – ( extravagant going beyond a normal limit )
The amiable young man greeted me enthusiastically – ( having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner )
They have amicably resolved their outstanding dispute – ( in a friendly and peaceable manner.)
His resilience is remarkable – ri-si-lience – ( the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness )
He is a pompous windbag who can talk about himself for hours – pawm-pus ( having or exhibiting self-importance ), wind-bag ( person who talks at length but says little of any value ). Because she is pompous, she spent most of her time looking in the mirror.
Mumbai is known for its fickle, constantly changing weather – ( constantly changing, especially opinions or loyalty )
My fickle sister often takes two hours to choose an outfit.
He is so impetuous. I wish he would consider things first – im-pay-chu-us – ( acts on a sudden idea without thinking; generally negative )
His impulsive generosity led him to give away most of his money ( impetuous, however can be used in a positive way ).
She always gives you such an effusive welcome – i-fu-civ – ( gives exaggerated expression of pleasure, praise or gratitude )
Freddy is so garrulous. It’s impossible to get any work done – gar-u-lus – ( talks too much, especially about unimportant things )
I thought he was rather taciturn, when I first met him. He hardly spoke. – tasi-turn – ( reserved, says very little; generally negative )
The blush was a tacit answer – ( tacitly – implicitly )
He is an introvert ( inward-looking and quiet ) and his brother is extrovert ( outward looking and sociable ).
He is such a diffident man – diffi-dint – ( lacks confidence and has a low opinion of himself )
She can be haughty and disdainful at times – ho-ty ( thinks herself arrogantly superior, looks down upon people ) , dis-dain-ful ( showing contempt or lack of respect )
He is so conceited – kan-cee-ted – ( inflated self-image and perceives himself as incredibly entertaining and wonderful )
He is modest, refusing to take credit for his work – ( prefers not to exaggerate his own qualities )
gullible – ( easily deceived )
He was very conscientious man; he never took time off work unless he was really sick – kawn–shee-en-shus – ( always took work very seriously, wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly. )
He had a guilty conscience about his desires – kawn-shuns -( a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour. ).
There is a growing consensus that the current regime has failed –
kan-cen-sas ( a general agreement ), There is a general consensus regarding this.
You are so obstinate and pig-headed ( stupidly obstinate ), to not listen when people give you good advice.
Mary is a bit of dabbler, she does a pastime for a couple of weeks, then she gets bored and starts something different ( person who never keeps doing one activity for long, someone who takes a slight and not very serious interest in a subject ). I’m not a real painter – just a dabbler.
He is a scruff ( dirty and untidy person ), he grabbed him by the scruff of his neck ( the back of a person’s or animal’s neck )
I can’t endure my roommate’s cooking for another day. It’s terrible! – ( keep doing something unpleasant or difficult )
climbing harness – ( item of climbing equipment for rock-climbing )
The movie was excruciating – ex-cru-shiyating – ( painful ). The pain was excruciating.
utterly absurd ( completely inappropriate )
lucrative business( producing a lot of money/ profitable ), lucrative deal ( competitive deal )
elitism is bad for the country – e-lee-tism – ( favour a small privileged group )
perpetuate inequalities – ( never ending, make ( something ) continue forever, ), perpetual
better-off/well off families – ( rich )
less well-off – ( poorer )
The most coveted prize – ca-v-tid – ( something that you want to possess very much )
The relentless heat of the desert – ( unceasingly intense ), a patient but relentless taskmaster ( harsh/inflexible )
I found office work very tame after army life – ( not exciting ). A cat is a tame animal ( mild, well-behaved, accustomed to human contact, fearless, domesticated (paaltu ) ). The fishes are so tame you have to push them away.
catastrophic earthquake- cay-tay-s-trophic – ( sudden great damage or suffering.), catastrophic mismanagement of the economy( extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful )
The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas ( lacking originality or freshness; dull on account of overuse e.g. a story full of cliches and predictable plots ), Her remarks sounded trite and ill-informed.
It has become a cliche to say that Prague is the most beautiful city in Europe ( a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought, a stereotype or electrotype ) . His article is stuffed with cliche.
His room is teeming with cats – ( completely full, especially with living things ), The rain was teeming down. My mind was teeming with ideas.The streets are usually teeming with tourists
He spouts a load of pretentious nonsense and people are stupid enough to believe him!- pri-ten-shus – ( attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.). (spouts – express at length ) His response was full of pretentious nonsense.
I find his sense of humour rather puerile – pu-rile – ( too silly and childish )
I would rather stick to blue – (used to indicate one’s preference in a particular matter. )
She behaved rather strange – ( to a certain or significant extent or degree ). He is rather haggard face – ( haggard face to an extent )
The immediate action was imperative – ( crucial )
They provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument – em-peri-cal – ( based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.)
She endured her illness with great fortitude – ( endure – suffer ) , ( fortitude – courage in pain or adversity )
Indigenous peoples of New York – ( native )
Only a health problem would deter him from going back to work. ( discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences )
Wars act as a spur to practical invention – ( something that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive )
The preparations were made on an unprecedented scale – un-preci-dented ( never done or known before )
children dressed as miniature adults – miney-ture – ( very small of its kind, small replica )
Heather agrees to what everyone says because she does not want to stand out by rejecting conformity – ( the condition of being like everything or everyone else )
The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens – con-v-luted – ( (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow )
The enforced camaraderie of office life – cuma– raa -drie ( mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. )
Communication conveyed through verbal and written forms often ranks as a cornerstone of human civilization – ( an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based )
A recent controversy revolves around the question of the most impactful communication; commentators interestingly dispute whether face to face or written discourse should hold this position ( written or spoken communication or debate )
The strength of one-on-one dialogue surpasses text-centered output. ( exceed; be greater than )
Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people – ( tending to cause harm ).
According to news media outlets, global resources shrink by a noticeable factor each year, which detrimentally affects humanity.
I will be tad late. ( to a small extent, somewhat ). He looks tad embarrassed.
His jacket, unfortunately, accentuated his paunch – ( make more noticeable or prominent )
He attributed his success to diligence and enthusiasm – uttri-buted – ( to consider something as being caused by.. )
Generally, the weather was attributed to the whims of Gods
This play has been attributed to Shakespear – ( the expert say he wrote it
His ideas held sway for nearly 2000 years – ( have great power or influence )
Justice in my view is paramount – more important than anything else; supreme.)
Murky pool of bug-infested water – ( not clear, dark, dirty that you cannot see through it )
I am beginning to feel stir-crazy because they have nothing to do, and I don’t know my future( very nervous or anxious )
I bought a used car at a really good price, but it turned out to be a old lemon – ( defective automobile )
Please delineate the character in a story, delineate the steps to be taken to achieve the task, Could you delineate this for me?
– di-li-niate – ( describe or portray (something) precisely ).
The lights delineating the narrow streets. The low brick wall delineates the boundary of the car park. ( to mark the outline of, indicate the exact position of )
Regulations ensuring the humane treatment of animals – hu-mayne – ( having or showing compassion or benevolence. )
She is arguably the greatest woman tennis player of all time – aa-gyu-ubly – (it may be argued )( used to say that a statement is very possibly true in my opinion even if it is not certainly true )
holistic approach – ( the idea that various systems should be viewed as wholes, not merely as a collection of parts )
Physical State
I am worn out – ( extremely tired )
congealed water into ice – kun-jealed ( turn into semi solid )
rein your excitement, rein that kid – rayn – ( limit or control )
health clubs began to proliferate – pra-li– frate – ( multiply, increase ). Mobile phones have proliferated over time.
procrastinate the excursion – ( delay or postpone )
procreate to keep your progeny surviving – pro-create ( produce offspring ) – praw-ja-nee – ( descendants )
this can undermine years of work ( erode the base or foundation )
He persevered with his work – per-se-veared ( continued in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no indication of success.)
students congregate for prayers – cawn-gre-gate ( gather into a crowd or mass.)
her lips twitched and her eyelids fluttered ( sudden convulsive movement, move with a light irregular movement )
inoculate against disease – ( vaccinate )
she upended a can of soup over the portions – ( turn upside down, move into a vertical position )
the court upheld his claim – ( uphold – confirm or support )
I don’t wish to outstay my welcome – ( stay longer than you should )
By choosing the right stocks, he was able to amass a sizable fortune – ( collect into a mass ), amass votes, He managed to amass a fortune, by writing a software that sold all over the world.
He was furious, it took all her charm to placate him – pl- cate – ( stop someone feeling angry )
He was called to conciliate between the two sides involved in the conflict – kan-ci-liate – ( end disagreement/anger between two parties, by being friendly on both sides )
Appeasing the enemy postponed the war, however it did not prevent it from happening – ( end disagreement by giving the other side an advantage that they are demanding, without being happy about it )
This dispute is implacable – im-pl-kay – ble – ( unable to be appeased or placate, relentless )
If you spent less time nit-picking, you’d get more work done – ( too concerned about unimportant details )
When she’s in a bad mood she’s obnoxious to everyone – ub-noxious ( unpleasant, rude )
She is almost embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority. – ub-see-qwee-us – ( too eager to praise or obey people )
No one can live in such squalid conditions – sqa-lid – ( very dirty and unpleasant ( usually for a place ), like a flat with cloths all over the place and dust on every surface )
My brother fostered my interest in programming ( encourage the development of something )
She averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation – ( turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts) )
You seem to have overlooked one important fact – ( overlook – fail to notice ). I will overlook you being late as its the first time. Our balcony overlooks the pond – ( have a view of (something) from above ). My window is overlooked by the neighbour’s window, and i don’t like that.
A deer was trodding accross the road – ( walking by trampling or crushing underfoot. )
I need to run an errand, however I will be back in a bit ( a short trip to fulfill some small business. When you’re running errands, you’re making a bunch of these all at once.) or I have a chore to do.
Don’t get overly concerned – ( Don’t worry too much )
Torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday – cause (a large amount of damage or harm).
Escalate your grievance – gri-vunce – ( a real or imagined cause for complaint, especially unfair treatment. )
I strolled around the city – ( walk in a leisurely way )
The new government was confronted with many profound difficulties – cun-fronted – ( present itself to (someone) so that action must be taken ), the best thing you can do in an embarrassing situation is to confront it head on ( face up to and deal with (a problem or difficulty).)
The idea of climbing 5+ stories of stairs can make you cringe – ( bend one’s head and body in fear or apprehension or in a servile manner )
Aid a friend, research that aided in the discovery of a new drug – ( help, to give assistance )
A corrupt heart elicits in an hour, all that is bad in us – ili-cits – (evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone. ), I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna
I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion – ( think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion )
The explosion catapulted the car 30 yards along the road – cayta-plt – ( hurl or launch (something) with or as if with a catapult ). Scientific experiments catapulted human civilization forward, over decades.
The stone plopped into the pond – ( fall or cause to fall with a plop )
He plopped himself down on the nearest chair – ( sit or lie down gently but clumsily(awkward in movement) )
She screamed, the moment her hair was yanked – ( sudden or hard pull )
Despite of the above arguments, an endorsement for drawbacks involving board schools subsists ( the action of supporting someone or something ), subsists ( remain in force or effect )
After much deliberation, we arrived at a compromise, man-to-man deliberations – ( long and careful consideration or discussion )
She was apprised of this issue, Apprise him of this problem – ( inform or tell )
Trees are swaying because of wind ( rhythmically backward and forwards or from side to side )
Politicians are trying to sway you to vote for them. I got swayed ( influence, persuade or control ). What swayed you to go for a pink dress. Is there any way I can sway your mind, and change it to help me )
He gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition – ( an analysis or summary of something by a knowledgeable person )
Conquerors have resorted to burning libraries – ( go (often or in large numbers) to, turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation. )
The memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind – ub-liteterated ( destroy utterly; wipe out. )
You should plan before embarking on an adventure , She embarked on a career – im-bark – ( begin ).
In 2014, I embarked for London – ( go on board a ship or aircraft )
He knew what he liked but had difficulty envisaging it – ( in-visge ) – ( form a mental picture of (something not yet existing or known). )
Allow me a little segue here/ let me segue to a new topic – sag-way – ( to make a transition without interruption from one activity, topic, scene, or part to another. )
A great part of his army perished of hunger and disease – ( die, especially in a violent or sudden way.)
An abandoned tyre whose rubber had perished – ( lose its normal qualities; rot or decay. )
He was too scrawny to be a football player – ( unattractively thin and bony )
A lanky teenager walked in – lan-ki – ( very tall and thin, usually moving awkwardly )

A gangling/gangly youth approached him – ( tall and thin and moving with a loose-jointed awkwardness, often used of men and boys ).
A portly figure stood near him – po-tly – ( fat stomach and chest, often used humorously about older men )

She is a stout woman wearing glasses. – ( quite fat, solid body, used of men and women )
She introduced me to rather corpulent gentleman – co-pu-lnt – ( fat ( formal ) )
power outfits/ power dressing ( formal clothes to make you seem powerful )

Many staff dress down on Fridays – ( wear less formal clothes )
Wear something dressy for the party – ( suitable for formal occasions )
A skimpy dress – ( short and revealing )
Snazzy little silk dresses – ( modern, stylish and attractive )

The man was dressed to kill in a tuxedo, hat and gold watch – ( wearing clothes to attract people’s attention (sexually) )
It was only a cheap off the peg/rack outfit – ( ready made clothes ), Instead of wearing expensive suits, he likes to buy clothes off the peg.
A few years ago denim jackets were all the rage – ( very popular at a particular time )
They were dressed in the height of fashion – ( very fashionable way )
The magazine has up-to-the-minute fashion articles – ( dealing with most recent trends )
a downstairs cloakroom with a WC( Water Closet or flush toilet ) and hand basin

Facial Appearance
It made me uncomfortable, when he started leering at us – (Looking in an unpleasant, sexually interested way) . Every leering eye in the room was on her She scowled at me, when I arrived late – scaa-ul – ( gave angry look ) You don’t have to grimace every time I eat garlic – gri-mas – ( make expression of pain or strong dislike ). He made a little grimace because of bad odour. He was grimacing. The models were pouting while taking pictures – pao-ting – ( positioning their lips in a sexually attractive way, or sometimes when annoyed ), If she doesn’t get what she wants, she pouts for the rest of the day. She often looks haggard sallow – hai-gard sai-low ( yellowish and unhealthy looking ). Haggard face – ( face showing tiredness and age, with skin hanging in folds ) Swarthy complexion – ( dark coloured, used about skin ) Her hair always looks so unkempt– ( untidy, not combed ) He was as immaculate as ever – not a hair out of place. – ( imay-cu-lut – perfectly clean, neat, or tidy ) ( does not have a hair out of place – appearance is very neat ), an immaculate heart ( immaculate is someone or something that is free from mistakes without sin ), (example of immaculate is a test where a person got every answer correct.)
He shrugged his shoulders – ( lifted his shoulders up and down, to show he didn’t know or couldn’t answer )
He folded his arms and crossed his legs and waited for me to speak.
She bites her nails and picks her nose all the time.
She clenched her fist and told him to get out- ( closed her hand as if to hit him ).
He just tapped his fingers and waited.
His gait was peculiarly awkward – ( person’s manner of walking )
An excursion to England – ( trip by a group of people )
traffic has dwindled to a trickle – ( diminish gradually in size, amount and strength ) – ( flow in small stream )
running a temperature – ( I have been running a temperature for the last two days )
dissertation or thesis – di-sa-tation – ( a long piece of academic writing based on original research )
a weighty tome – ( a book with difficult content ), In weighty problems/matters ( in difficult matter )
cram before an exam – ( study intensively for a short time ). I am cramming for an exam.
The ashtray by the bed was crammed with cigarette butts – ( completely fill (a place or container) to the point of overflowing )
by rote-learning ( learning by repetition )
use mnemonics ( tricks that help you remember something, e.g. i comes after e, except after c )
He is accused of plagiarism – play-ju-rism – ( presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own )
Selective school/education – ( entry by exam )
Comprehensive schooling – ( entry without exam )
two-tier system of schools – ( system of two levels, one better than another )
We should return to an emphasis on the three Rs – ( reading, writing and arithmetic, the traditional basic skills )
literacy – ( ability to read )
numeracy – ( ability to count/ do basic maths )
school governors – ( group which oversees all business of the school )
supply teacher – ( teacher who works in a school when needed, if someone is sick )
peripatetic teacher – pairi-pa-tai-tic ( teacher who works in different schools and travels between them )
His dismal performance ( disgracefully bad )
apothecary – apaw-the-curry – ( chemist )
an indispensable member of the staff – ( essential )
trawlerman – ( a sea fisherman )
refuse collector – ( garbage collector )
I am on flexi-time – ( in and out, at irregular time )
work in close-knit teams- ( working in a close relationship )
He found his niche – nee-sh ( a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment ). Your niche in the market ( your specific area in the market ). Carve out a niche for yourself ( create a special place/position for yourself in the market, a speciality you are known for )
hammer out a deal – ( talk seriously in detail until a business agreement is made )
this law will create more red tape – ( excessive bureaucracy or adherence to official rules and formalities )
entrepreneur – ( the owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits )
He felt humiliated by the officious treatment received from the pompous men – u-ffi-shus ( too eager to tell others what to do ), Officious man.
He was an apprentice to a master craftsman – ap– ren-tis – ( a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages ).
He obtained an apprenticeship with a carpenter – u-pren-tis-ship – ( a position as an apprentice )
Companies look for individuals who have broken the mould – ( do something in a completely new way )
I am famished – ( extremely hungry )
Tabby – ( female or stripy cat )
The government is decommissioning the nuclear power plant – de-commish-ning – ( to remove (something, such as a ship or a nuclear power plant) from service)
thrift shop – a shop selling second-hand clothes and household goods, typically to raise funds for a Church or charity.
Paramedic – ( person who is trained to give medical help, especially in an emergency, who is not a doctor or nurse )
The company has laid off 30 per cent of its staff – ( discharge a worker temporarily or permanently because of a shortage of work )
A severance package – sev-rence ( pay and benefits that employees may be entitled to receive when they unwillfully leave employment at a company )
pavilion was built – ( a summer house or other decorative building used as a shelter in a park )

Archway – a curved structure forming a passage or entrance.

pragmatic – ( practical, especially when making decisions )
You will find me under the mistletoe – misle-toe ( tradition – you can kiss anyone standing under a mistletoe plant )
His views are conventional – ( someone of something widely accepted, general ). He is conventional in his beliefs, conventional remarks.
Their convention will be help in room 3 – ( a large formal meeting of people )
poesy – po-u-zee – ( poetry )
whither are we bound? – ( what place, where to )
archaic – aa-kaik ( very old )
bedsit – ( a room that is both a bedroom and a sitting room )
NB – ( Note well )
answer is written overleaf – ( on other side of the page )
Jon Doe is contemporary with Shakespear – cun-tem-prary ( belonging to the same time )
contemporary thinking – ( the way people think at the current time )- ( modern, of current period of time )
The electric switch is vandal-proof ( proof from harsh use and damage )
advertising gimmick – ( frivolous ( careless, not serious ) way of or trickery, for attracting attention ), “free shipping” is more of a gimmick to attract buyers
sleep in a hammock – hai-muck ( net hung and used as a bed )
patio – pay-ti-o( a paved outdoor area adjoining a house. )

stuck in a rut – ( stuck in a job you can’t escape from )
I like vocational work, like being a teacher ( which helps people )- vocational training/course – ( skills and education that prepare you for a job, related to a specific work or career )
Let’s not talk shop – ( talk about work )
He is my opposite number – ( same position/does the same job, as me )
It was a quintessence of an English country cottage- quin-te– ssense – ( a perfect example of ). He is a quintessence of good manners. watermelon is the quintessential fruit on a hot summer. It’s considered to be the quintessential horror movie.
The article contained plethora of information – ple-tha-ra – ( amount greater than needed, too much )
unswerving loyalty – un-swe – ving ( not changing or becoming weaker; steady or constant. ), unswerving love
he was making progress, albeit rather slowly – awl-bey-it – ( though )
A helicopter buzzed overhead – ( above the level of the head; in the sky. ) I saw a bright light overhead.
The school provides students with handouts with questions and quizes on them – ( a piece of printed information provided free of charge, especially to accompany a lecture or advertise something. )
I always carry a rain poncho in my backpack when I hike in case it starts to rain suddenly. – poncho -outer garment designed to keep the body warm and dry from rain

She pushed a stroller that held her baby.
