Increasing Popularity Of Crime Novels and TV Crime Dramas

Q. In many countries today, crime novels and TV Crime dramas are becoming more and more popular.Why do you think these books and TV shows are popular?What is your opinion of crime fiction and TV dramas? Cohesive DevicesConjunctionReference Pronouns Evils like crime and serial killings have prevailed in our society for decades. With that thought… Continue reading Increasing Popularity Of Crime Novels and TV Crime Dramas

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Friends With Difference of Opinion

Some people think it’s better to choose friends who always have the same opionions as them. Other people believe its good to have friends who sometimes disagree with them. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Having a good friend is the most precious gift anyone can have. With that thought in mind, many people… Continue reading Friends With Difference of Opinion

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Online shopping or Stores

Question: The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons. With the advent of technology, the use of online shopping continues to proliferate.With that in mind, people often debate whether shops in towns and cities would become obsolete in the… Continue reading Online shopping or Stores

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